
We at Southern California Edison know that small businesses often have unique situations and requirements for their energy needs.  And while your business may be smaller in scope than an industrial customer, SCE knows that small enterprises are a big part of our business customer base.

And we want to hear from you.
 I would like to offer you an invitation to share your insights on behalf of small businesses at the Winter Meeting of SCE’s Small Business Advisory Panel (SBAP). 

Comprised of respected leaders from diverse industries, SBAP aims to elevate the voice of the small business owner.
  Sharing common interests and concerns with other business leaders, SBAP members:

-Have the opportunity to learn first-hand about upcoming SCE initiatives

-Discuss challenges facing businesses operating in the Southern California economy

-Converse in open dialog with SCE leadership

-Learn about innovative energy solutions, both proposed and in-place at local businesses

-Develop their network with other like-minded small business leaders

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 3, from 8:30 AM -1:00 PM and will include a continental breakfast and lunch.  The meeting will be held in the Sustainability Conference room in SCE’s Irwindale office.  This meeting will feature SCE leaders as well as other informative collaborators to create an open dialogue and answer your important energy questions.

I hope that you will accept this invitation, and help SCE continue to address the interests and goals of your small business.

Thank you.

Maria Serret
Account Manager
